Hi, my name is Chloe.

I’m Chloe Miller, a freelance writer specialising in Marketing, Business, and Lifestyle & Wellness content. I create informative, engaging content that helps businesses grow conversion rates and build a stronger reputation online.

I’m based in Sussex, but I work with clients all over the UK and abroad to develop content that supports their SEO efforts and digital marketing strategies.

With a degree in Business, I’ve always been passionate about diving deep into research and industry insights to inform and educate brands and their customers on the latest best practices. I love learning and building up my expertise to create in-depth articles and blogs for my clients.

I have the added experience of running my own freelance business, carrying out everything from client acquisition to digital marketing. My experience coupled with my personal interest in business and marketing enables me to write confidently on these topics and more.

When I’m not delving into business articles and researching the latest wellness trends, I love to travel and explore new destinations, and tackle new DIY projects while renovating my home.

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I love the prospect of writing for new businesses. If you want to fill your website with content your customers will love, please get in touch today!